THE LITTLE MERMAID JR., on March 27, 28, 29, and 30
at the SALT Performing Arts WEST CHESTER location
If you're new to us, check out our Programs page to read about the kinds of classes and events we typically offer, and follow us on social media at @actinganticsinc for more from our amazing, inclusive, neurodiverse community!
* Little Mermaid logos by our own Matthew J. Adams!
Helping diffuse the fear, stigma, or judgement from peers, our inclusive, all-abilities programs are particularly well suited for those hesitant to participate in larger programs, providing a gateway to acceptance into peer and social groups. • Click to read more about it •
Through music and theatre arts, we provide social instruction to students with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum, or with other deficits in social understanding, or who are just looking to have fun. • Click to learn more •
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Acting Antics, Inc.
P.O. Box 545, Broomall PA 19008 • • @actinganticsinc