Below are two examples of Social Nights we've held in the past. We will hold regular Teen/Young Adult Social Nights to enjoy interaction through a variety of social activities including movie nights, karaoke, playing board games, dancing, and other activities chosen by the group. Our Social Nights are typically held every other week, and new schedules are usually announced seasonally. Most are $25 and include snacks, but please see each night's description for details. You MUST RSVP.
From 7-9pm. Bring your favorite beverage and enjoy a soft pretzel snack! (Individual ice cream treats will be available for purchase from the golf course.)
Held at Boulder Falls Mini Golf, located to the left of the United Sports Training Center,
1426 Marshallton-Thorndale Road
Downingtown, PA 19335
RSVP with an email to
From 7-9pm. Held at Palace Bowling, 977 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown PA 19335
• For an extra $5, add 2 slices of pizza and a drink! Pay ahead of time below if you wish.
RSVP with an email to
You can pay ahead of time for 2 SLICES OF PIZZA AND A DRINK on our Bowling Nights.
You can pay for any of our Social Nights ahead of time if you like! $25 for most Social Nights, or $50 for our NEW GROUNDED AERIAL EXPERIENCE
We are always open to NEW SOCIAL NIGHT IDEAS, so if you have a favorite activity, outing, or connection to a fun, local business, let us know!
and ask to be put on our Social Nights mailing list. (We don't share your info, ever.)
and check back often. We'll post our schedule updates the minute they're official.
Acting Antics, Inc.
P.O. Box 545, Broomall PA 19008 • • @actinganticsinc